a very simple vocal tract model, few tube model. generate vowel sound by it.
A python, draw frequency response and cross-sectional view (area) of a very simple vocal tract model, two tube model and three tube model.
draw two tube model frequency response and cross-sectional view (area), that corresponds to vocal tract
python main1.py
draw two tube model frequency response and generated waveform, considering glottal voice source and mouth radiation
save generated waveform as a wav file
python main2.py
draw three tube model frequency response and generated waveform, considering glottal voice source and mouth radiation, and cross-sectional view (area)
save generated waveform as a wav file
python main3.py
draw waveform of glottal voice source
python glottal.py
draw frequency response of HPF for simulate mouth radiation
python HPF.py
There are sample wav files of generated waveform in the generated_waveform folder.
See Explain-E.pdf or Explain-J.pdf in the docs folder